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Skills Development

1.1 Develop your current knowledge, understanding and skills

So far in film, I have experience from a GCSE in Media and my current Level 3 Creative media course that i’m taking at Sgs WISE college. I love watching films and I like all genres except horror and sad films. I took music, drama, and media for GCSE and I especially like screenwriting, and writing fiction.

I’ve made one animation and two videos with School/college. I really enjoy computer hand-drawn animation, and I’d like to incorporate that into my documentary.

I don’t have a specific area of interest and i like everything but my favourite subjects of media are cinematography and development. I enjoy editing as well and I like the precision in the editing process. I am very extroverted and enjoy leadership roles and camera work but I think being a part of the idea process is one of my favourite things.

I hope to gain a better understanding of the professional side of media and am hoping to get secure contacts into the professional industry. I think this is a very good and interesting way to get into film and it’s a very well recognised qualification. I want to use this opportunity to meet like-minded young people who have similar interests as me.

I hope to gain better working relationships and I’d like to carry on my skills and interests into higher education, pursuing either screenwriting of film and media at a university level.



  1. Bex Rose

    Hi Tia,
    This is a good explanation of your current interests and skills in film and how you would like to develop these through the Academy. You have achieved this criteria towards showing your skills development through the course. Thank you for adding a link to your previous work. The animation is great! It could be really interesting to add animation into the documentary at some point. Did the animation take a long time?
    Well done! Bex.

    • Tia D

      Yeah it took a while but mainly because it was cut up into college time etc. I did the biggest portion of it over a couple of days. all in all it took about a week and a half. I think now that I’ve done it though and have learnt from the mistakes I’ve made, I could do it a lot quicker if I do another.

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