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Working Relationships

3.1 Teamwork

Why is teamwork important when working on a film production?

Teamwork is one of the most important skills needed to work in the film industry, for a film to be made you will need to work with people with different skills. working with different people you will be able to share ideas and experiences that can help benefit the film. You will be able to build friendships so will work more effectively with each other this also allows jobs to be more enjoyable and fun. Spreads out the work so everyone can work on an individual part of the pro

What can happen if there isn’t good teamwork?

If there isn’t good teamwork then bad communication might be an issue and things won’t go as smoothly this could affect deadlines. Bad teamwork makes the working environment boring and harder to complete tasks since there is no one to help you. relationships could get damaged and will normally lead to arguments that affect production and the working environment.

3.2 Qualities needed to work well with others

How did you show the following

  • Good timekeeping
  • Being reliable
  • Teamwork
  • Sharing ideas
  • Safe working

I kept track off my time and made sure that the incubus prop was made before the day of the shot, there might have been a few technical problems with the prop on the day but we were able to quickly fix it and it didn’t delay the production. I made sure that I arrived at every BFI lecture 20 minutes before it started so we wouldn’t be late and delay production. There might have been a few days where I couldn’t turn up or had to leave early but I made sure I let everyone know a week in advance so my absence won’t affect production. I think I was reliable because I made sure to help out whenever I could and complete my tasks to my best ability. I work well with others when making the incubus and tried to get everyone involved with the construction. I constantly shared my progress on the Animation and asked peoples opinions and made decisions based on what everyone agreed on. I would always share my ideas when it was needed and listened to what others thought. I made sure when making the incubus that we did it safely for example when spray painting, we did it outside.

3.3 Working collaboratively on your film production

I worked closely with my production team and we collectively came up with ideas for the style of the incubus, I made sure to listen to other peoples ideas. Onset when script supervising I had to work alongside the director and I made sure to write down her thoughts on each scene. I worked closely with Alic when making the incubus and we came across a few problems, for example, we didn’t have a hair dryer to mold the Foam on the helmet. we overcame this problem by adding a piece of metal under it to change the shape of the foam. to improve my ability with others I should share more ideas with the group and contribute more to group discussions.


  1. Bex Rose

    Jack this work and your production diary show good evidence of section 3 – Be able to develop effective working relationships with film production team members. You worked effectively with the rest of the crew, especially Alejandro when making the helmet and George when collaborating on the VFX. You have achieved this learning outcome to a good level.

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