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Working relationships

3.1 Teamwork

Teamwork is essential when working on a film production. It spreads the workload and allows the opportunity for people to bring their own creative ideas and technical ability. One example of good teamwork on a film set would be the relationship between the director and an actor; it is crucial that these two maintain good teamwork as the director will have a certain vision for the film and require the actors co-operation and skills to execute it.

If there isn’t successful teamwork on a film, the shoot will be less comfortable. For example, the director of the film may have an expansive and immeasurable vision for the film, however the producer knows the budget and the limitations of the film so they must work together to make a compromise. If this relationship falters, then the quality of the film could be at risk.

3.2 Qualities needed to work well with others

  • Good timekeeping:

The shoot ran on a tight schedule, this required me to be punctual and always keep biscuit breaks to a minimum. This was especially important considering I was a part of the cast.

  • Being reliable:

Learning the lines was crucial and I felt that I was reliable when it came to learning and reciting them. Furthermore, I felt I reliably took direction during the shoot.

  • Teamwork:

One example of teamwork was working alongside the other members of the cast and directors; I felt confident in my ability to communicate effectively.

  • Sharing ideas:

Whilst working with the writing team, I had to continuously collaborate, especially when it came to plotting the overall narrative.

  • Safe working

One problem with working on a film set is being wary of stray wires and hot lighting equipment. During the shoot, I felt that I was relatively safe when navigating the set.



3.3 Working collaboratively on your film production

Working together effectively in the crew was crucial to the shoot and I felt that I effectively collaborated with the other members of the crew.

One problem during the shoot involved a particular scene in which the width of the shot had to be restricted due to the length of the set. We overcame this issue by working with the DOP and the camera operators to make sure exactly how restricted our movements were and where we should place ourselves in the scene.

I think my ability to work with others could be improved by being more focused during scenes – assimilating the directors notes on my character and channeling that into my performance every take.


  1. Bex Rose

    George throughout the course you have demonstrated that you can develop effective working Relationships within a Film Production Team. I have seen you grow in terms of both your skills and confidence and you have worked well on the writing, acting and VFX for the film.
    This section along with your detailed academy diary successfully evidence section 3. Well done this section is now complete.

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