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Job Roles

2.2 Describe a range of key job roles and responsibilities in the film industry


The director controls the film’s artistic and dramatic aspects with the intention goal of visualising the screenplay whilst guiding the technical crew and actors.

Art Director:

The art director is responsible for the look of a film’s sets, whilst also being responsible for their construction.


An actor will portray a character on screen, their task is to take the scripted lines of dialogue and direction before speaking and acting them in a convincing manner.

Director of Photography:

The director of photography (or DOP), has chief control over the lights and camera equipment and is responsible for making artistic and technical decisions related to the image whilst also maintaining a good dialogue with the director.

Script Supervisor

The script supervisor is a member of the crew whose responsibility it is to maintain the stability of the script during pre-production, filming and postproduction – this could include making continuity suggestions to help with script interpretation or taking notes.



  1. Bex Rose

    George, you have researched and described a range of key job roles and responsibilities in the film industry. You have given some detail about what the role involves and also who the person doing that role will communicate with. You could have included the qualities/skills needed to perform these various roles, to make your work more thorough perhaps. Well done this section is complete.

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